Intrusion Detection Courses


Intrusion Detection Courses

In an ever more connected world, intrusion detection – where computer network penetration attempts by hackers are detected – is an important cyber security task. Catching them when they first intrude into systems is the best way of stopping them from stealing data or damaging enterprise databases, applications or other IT assets. Intrusion Detection Courses have thus become vital areas of staff training for some.

Protecting an organisation from cyber intrusion becomes more challenging as time goes by. This is of course largely due to the general increase and sophistication in hacking that we are witnessing all around. Employees that can protect organisations from attack by intruders are both highly valuable members of staff and increasingly in demand.

To help deal with another burgeoning facet of the cyber careers sector, training providers are starting to address the need to better detect intrusion by offering new intrusion detection courses to students that want to learn. Many of these training modules will provide students with the core skills regarding the tools and techniques that are necessary to detect intrusion, preventing further damage or loss of valuable company or personal data.


Fool me once, not twice!

There is an old saying that we like to trot out occasionally that is very pertinent to the world of cyber security intruder identification, we think it should be borne in mind by all professional intrusion detection specialists. The saying is of course ‘Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me’.

What we mean by this is you should be catching intruders the first time that they try to hack into your systems. One attempt may be the only warning that you will get, so ensure that you take steps to prevent their exploits from taking place a second or subsequent time. Don’t forget, once the damage has been done it is done, there are often no second chances when it comes to information security.

There are many courses available to teach everything from the fundamentals of networks to how to program whilst adhering to today’s compliance standards using TCP IP and other protocols. Qualifications are often certificated to various levels such as CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional). Many course providers offer modules in network security too. They will often take a generic approach to their course content. Others will provide vendor specific training, such as the types of courses provided by Cisco Systems and the like, where they provide their own hardware and software solutions to clients.

Cyber intrusion detection course modules often incorporate training for all levels from foundation level, through the use of the relevant tools and techniques to track hackers right up to courses suitable for information security project managers and directors. Sometimes, they even try to do all of this in one module too! The fundamentals of traffic analysis, applications protocols and network monitoring, including at forensic levels, will be included in many modules.

Whatever level you are at in your career, there is surely a course available these days to suit your cyber skills gaps and needs, making you a more proficient specialist. Network security courses will provide training from all levels from foundation level, through coding and operating standards up to courses suitable for network and IT project managers and directors. A formal intrusion detection course will usually mean that you can learn new skills in settings away from your usual place of work. Escaping the pressures of your daily tasks naturally facilitates better learning. Security industry accredited training courses will also provide individuals with certification potentially leading on to better career options.


Introducing Intrusion Detection Courses

In todays fast moving world of cyber espionage and hacking, intruder detection training is offered by a large number of different training organisations. Many, but not all of these providers will also be accredited by industry oversight committees, government sponsored enterprises and other standards regulators. The types of courses available will cover elements including traffic analysis fundamentals, application protocols, network monitoring and network traffic forensics.


Which Intrusion Detection focused training course should you attend?

1) Penetration Testing for Intrusion Detection

First of all, Penetration Testing courses will incorporate some of the tools and techniques that intruders and hackers will use too. Therefore, attending a pen-testing course will provide those tasked with network intrusion detection with an insight into the methods that hackers use. It is next to impossible to create a completely secure network that is attached to Internet connected routers. Detecting hackers intrusion attempts are the first step on the road to defeating them. Often, it is only once they have been detected that appropriate measures can then be put in place to stop them in their tracks. A pen-testing course, including the tools of the trade of the computer and network hacker, can thus provide valuable information for those tasked with both detecting and stopping them.

2) CEH – Certified Ethical Hacker

A CEH course will allow students to become certified with industry recognised qualifications. Learning usually takes place in an interactive environment where techniques are taught in how to scan, test, hack and secure systems from intruders. The course will show you the tactics that hackers use to penetrate corporate networks and what countermeasures to use to defeat them. CEH courses are approved by EC-Council amongst others.

Practice simulators are often used to provide real world knowledge and skills to course participants. The use of today’s cutting edge hacking tools and exploits will put you in good stead to identify when hacking attempts are being made. Then, you can stop them!

3) Intrusion Detection Courses specific to the Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT (Internet of Things) is becoming rapidly adopted across todays ever more connected world. The millions of new distributed Internet connected devices need to be protected from the attentions of today’s hackers. Intrusion detection therefore will become more vital than ever before. Look for new courses focused on IoT Intrusion detection if your role encompasses the security of the IoT within the organisation that you work for

4) Artificial Intelligence and Intrusion Detection Training Courses

Because AI (Artificial Intelligence) is becoming more rapidly adopted by many organisations across the globe, it has lead to increased interest in the technology by hackers. It seems appropriate therefore to now state that many of the tools that hackers use will be increasingly incorporating AI into their methods. AI powered exploits and attacks into networks and computer systems will therefore mean that automated attacks are more frequent. Detecting AI hacking attempts will likely be part and parcel of any future intrusion detection specialist’s job. Courses are now starting to become available that incorporate ideas on how to tackle this issue. Detecting an army of AI hackers may seem daunting, but it seems reasonable to propose that defeating them may mean that defenders of systems utilise AI technology too!
