About the course
Course content
The MSc Information Security and Privacy addresses the key security issues that are faced by global communications and information systems.
The programme provides a mix of business context with core security, trust and privacy issues that challenge the IT sector. The course builds on previous skills in computer science, to strengthen understanding of this emerging area.
As well as studying themes such as trust and identity and forensic investigation, security techniques and information, network and cyber security, you will gain an understanding of the e-Commerce and business environment. This combined business/security approach provides valuable training for interacting with organisations, and understanding their business functions in a deeper context.
Using case based analysis, you will have the opportunity to learn about forensic approaches to investigation across multiple platforms.
Distinctive features:
• Practitioner-led modules integrate the latest research ideas with current best practice
• Students will have access to our Cybersecurity and Forensics Laboratory. The 40 PCs are able to host virtual machines and can be used to carry out a number of forensic investigations. They are connected to an isolated, local network which can be configured to better explore the security challenges facing today's professionals.
• Professionally accredited by the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT.
Full-time students study four compulsory modules each semester including a 60 credit dissertation in their final year. Part-time students study two compulsory modules each semester.
Core modules:
Information, Network & Cyber Security
Security Techniques
Distributed and Cloud Computing
Digital Forensics
Business and IT Management
Secure Applications, Identity and Trust
The School of Computer Science and Informatics has a strong and active research culture which informs and directs our teaching. We are committed to providing teaching of the highest standard and received an excellent report in the most recent Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) review.
This particular course builds on our research strengths in cybersecurity. Many of the case studies used in the course build on our existing research and our work with industry (and other organisations in law enforcement).
Modules are delivered through a series of either full- or half-day contact sessions, which include lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials and laboratory classes.
Most of your taught modules will have further information for you to study and you will be expected to work through this in your own time according to the guidance provided by the lecturer for that module.
At the start of your course you will be allocated a Personal Tutor who is an academic member of staff in the School and serves as a point of contact to advise on both academic and personal matters in an informal and confidential manner.
Your Personal Tutor will monitor your academic progress and supply references in support of any job applications that you make.
Your Personal Tutor will monitor your progress throughout your time at university and will support you in your Personal Development Planning. You will see your Personal Tutor at least once each semester.
Outside of scheduled tutor sessions, our Senior Personal Tutor runs an open door policy, being on hand to advise and respond to any personal matters as they arise.
Modules will be assessed either by coursework, examination, or a combination of both.
Career prospects
Graduates are well-prepared for a career in industrial, commercial, or governmental organisations with particular responsibility for information and process security.
Career destinations include: information security manager, risk manager, technical security roles in computer forensics, identity management roles, secure systems developer, and industrial and university research.